A journey to the other side

After moving to Erlangen, expat partner Alberto Locatelli admits he felt insecure and uncertain about the future. He now believes that having the right mindset is the key to building a new life.

No hesitations

“We didn’t hesitate over moving to Germany. It’s a fantastic opportunity for my wife’s career. We also wanted our son Arturo, now 7 years old, to experience an international education,” says Alberto, a 40-year-old Italian who previously worked at Villa Reale di Monza, a museum 20km outside Milan. “Of course, the move meant I had to give up my job and I wasn’t sure what I would do in Germany, which was a scary thought for me…”

Quite a contrast

“As you can imagine, ‘downtown Erlangen’ is quite different to downtown Milan and, at first, I struggled to adapt!” says Alberto. “There was also a social pressure I had never experienced. Other expats and even friends back home seemed surprised that I wasn’t working even though I was very busy, intensively studying German every morning, and taking care of my son after school. I quickly realised that having the right mentality is very important. I have to stay positive.”

Building language skills

“When people ask me what I miss most about Italy, I say it’s not the weather, going to watch AC Milan at the San Siro, or even the long lunches! It’s the ease of communication. When you don’t speak the same language as fluently as everyone else around you, it’s challenging. But I’m gaining more and more confidence,” says Alberto. “At the Volkshochschule I have also met guys from Ukraine and Syria. Their life experiences have given me a sense of perspective. I am very lucky. Milan is just 600km away and I can go there whenever I want. My wife has a great job. My son is happy in school. I know there are good opportunities for me here in Germany, too. It’s just I had to start from zero and build it up, piece by piece. That’s why, during this first year I have focused on improving my language skills, so I will be ready for this next step. I know when I can speak German, I will be able to find a good job, something that really fulfils me. I’m already knocking on the wall and applying for jobs. Soon we will see what is on the other side for me.”

Photo: Alberto with his family

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